Thursday, February 09, 2006

Link of the Week

I've added a new link to the sidebar. Wellbriety is an online magazine focusing on addiction recovery issues in the Native American communities. It's put out by White Bison, Inc., an organization out of Colorado Springs with the goal of "bringing 100 Indian communities into healing by the year 2010."

The magazine has articles you can read online or download as pdf. files. There's even a few articles by Illinois' own native son, Bill White. The organization also puts on conferences and has resources for linking recovery with arts and music.

I know here in Chicago we have a significant American Indian population and, unfortunately, this is one population that seems to get overlooked in too many discussions of multicultural counseling.

The sidebar link takes you right to the magazine. If you'd like to go to the organizations general website go to


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The link to Wellbriety is quite informative. I like the Daily Meditation on - simple, yet powerful!

4:40 PM  
Blogger dulcimist said...

Hey Jessica,
I thought of you after I posted this link. Just after our conversation, I remembered that you are doing a project on Native American culture. Wondered if you might find something there.

Thanks for stopping by.

7:25 PM  
Blogger Dr. Deb said...

What a great resource. Thanks for sharing.

6:04 AM  

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